Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hougang By-election

MP Yaw Shin Leong has not committed any crime against the law. The Workers’ Party expelled him because of moral obligation to the people of Hougang.
Laws are created by the civilised majority to control and guide the economic barbarians for peace and harmony. Civilised people are guided by moral and ethical values not only by the laws. In this incident, the action of the Workers’ Party is clearly guided by moral values. I am sure our PM knows his moral obligation to the people of Hougang.
There are two possible reasons why PAP is unwilling to announce the date of the by-election.
They are afraid to lose and demoralise party members or they want to have the advantage of keeping the date a secret so that they can make all the preparations for the by-election ahead of the Workers Party.
If you are interested find out why PAP is afraid of by-election, Chiam See Tong has written an article on it in the following website in 1999.

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